Today majority of the lifestyle disease can be cured most effectively by the method of Natural Hygiene. They include obesity, diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease, fever, respiratory disorders, sexual disorders and digestive disorders.
The different methods of treatment are follows :
The miraculous curative properties of Yoga asanas has been accepted worldwide. Meditation has been found to be very effective for all types of stress related disorders.
Yoga is an ancient Indian discipline that deals with the entire well being of man.It is the traditional path of physical, mental, moral and spiritual good health. It has gained relevance today, as a means of attaining a well-balanced personality, which can cope with the stress-laden lives we lead. The word YOGA actually means UNION.
Here, it signifies the union of body mind and soul.
The discipline has often been misunderstood to be purely mystic, involving bodily contortions. In actual fact, it has a scientific basis and consists of well-defined exercises, which have precise results.